Active Launceston is a community driven partnership with the vision of improving the health and wellbeing of the Launceston community through physical activity.
Active Launceston’s mission is to mobilise the community to increase their participation in physical activity by; filling gaps in provision, reducing barriers and targeting those with the highest need.
As the sole university in the state, the University of Tasmania (UTAS) has a responsibility to actively contribute to the economic, cultural and social environment in Tasmania. In 2008, UTAS, Launceston City Council and Sport and Recreation Tasmania formed a partnership to develop the Active Launceston health promotion initiative. Although membership has changed over the years, the Active Launceston partnership and stakeholder network has always been comprised of organisations that believe the initiative is working in line with their own strategic directions.
The Examiner Newspaper and Southern Cross Television are the projects promotional partners.
Active Launceston has four objectives;
1. Develop strategic partnerships with stakeholders for the promotion of physical activity.
2. Increase the opportunities for participation in physical activity with a particular emphasis on those in the community who are less active.
3. Identify, develop and maintain resources that promote participation in physical activity.
4. Research, monitor and evaluate partnership outcomes.
Active Launceston provides free physical activity programs and events for the community. The partnership also seeks to endorse, support and guide new and existing physical activity providers to enhance their service and their connection with the community.
Physical inactivity is major risk factors for chronic disease. By facilitating engagement of all members of the community in physical activity, Active Launceston seeks to encourage behaviour change through providing access to programs, resources and networks to ensure these healthy lifestyle behaviour changes are sustainable and thus reducing the burden of chronic disease on both an individual and community level.
View project outline here